- Amador County Sheriffs, CA
- Beverly Hills PD SWAT, CA
- Bureau of Land Management, WY
- California Fish and Game, CA
- California Highway Patrol, CA
- California Office of Emergency Services, CA
- California State Parks, CA
- Chelsea Police, MA
- Cheshire Police, CT
- Colgate University, NY
- Commonwealth of Kentucky – DOCJT
- Connecticut State Police
- Douglas County Sheriff, NV
- Douglas County Sheriff SWAT, NE
- East Hartford PD, CT
- El Dorado County Sheriffs, CA
- FBI Academy – FTU, Quantico VA
- Fort Wayne PD, IN
- Franklin Police Department, MA
- Idaho State Police, ID
- Indiana State Police SWAT, IN
- Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations, (KCFN) BC, Canada
- Kentucky Fish & Wildlife, KY
- Lexington Police Department, KY
- Maine CDC, ME
- Maine State Police, ME
- Montana Fish and Wildlife, MT
- Moose Jaw Police Service, SK Canada
- Nevada City Police Dept., CA
- Nevada County Sheriffs, CA
- Nevada Highway Patrol, NV
- New Hampshire Fish & Game, NH
- New Hampshire State Police, NH
- New York Sate Police, NY
- North Dakota Fish & Game, ND
- North Dakota Highway Patrol, ND
- North Dakota Parks and Rec, ND
- Oxford Resident Troopers, ME
- Philadelphia PD, PA
- Placer County Sheriffs, CA
- Regina Police Service, SK Canada
- Texas Parks & Wildlife, TX
- Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office, CA
- Vermont Fish & Wildlife, VT
- Vermont State Police, VT
- Washington State SAR Planning Unit, WA
- Wethersfield Police, CT